Sunday, March 18, 2007

Look What I Found!!

Last Wednesday morning Steve "the K" my salesman from AutoValue in Epping came in with a Craig's List listing with, believe it or not, a totally rebuilt AMC 401 V8. It also had an aluminum intact manifold and a Holley 650 double pumper. And it was only in Wolfeboro, 45 minutes away. Needless to say I called the guy shortly thereafter and somebody had beaten me to it. Bummer. I gave him my number and lo and behold he called me by 5 that night to say the other guy was a no-show. Yippee! I picked up my AMX specialist, the other Steve, and checked it out. Now I own it. I've got to get rid of that Chrysler orange - what's up with that? Three years from now we'll find out if it runs.

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