Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back Up the Hill to the Javelin

A little hardware and window stuff was all I could get this trip. If I had brought a chainsaw I would have been able to cut the tree on the passenger side and maybe cut the hinges. Oh well... at least Augie had fun jumping from roof to roof and trunk lid to trunk lid on our way back down the hill.

Good Boy!


Unknown said...

Hey John,I cliked on your site and was pleased to see you're alive and kickin' and that your project is coming along nicely. It's one cool lookin AMJ.
Just for the record, retirement IS all it's cracked up to be. Although, I'm still learning to deal with the guilt...a work in progress.
Say howdy Linda and family, and of course, to the shop guys.
Gary Green....

Huw Powell said...

Augie sitting in the Javelin is the best pic yet! Puurrrfect!